One-to-one wellness treatments
Your body is talking...
Are you listening?
  • Do you feel stressed, unwell, suffer from long-term injury or illnesses or just want to rediscover the real you?
  • Start your journey with JiURU, my unique combination of bodywork, yoga, meditation, mindfulness & visualisation treatments and classes.
A unique combination of bodywork, yoga, meditation, mindfulness & visualisation treatments and classes
Shamanic Practices
Hatha Yoga
Each of us
holds the key
to our own
personal wellness.

In our hectic lives we often do not find the time and space to unlock this potential.

My aim is to help you slow down, breath and discover your own inner tools, to become the best version of yourself.

JiURU - the guru is in you
What is JiURU?

How I Can Help You

JiURU treatments use my 20+ years of experience in bodywork, yoga, meditation, mindfulness & visualisation to help get to the root cause of conditions and release the guru within you.
Find the root cause of conditions by interpreting the non-verbal communications of the body.
  • I work to connect the physical and non-physical, thoughts, dreams and idiosyncrasies to interpret the non-verbal communication of the body.
  • This helps to find the root cause of conditions, pain and "dis-ease" which are imbalances or disagreements between the body and mind.
  • I am trained in Yogic, Ayurvedic/ Nature, Shamanic practices, and philosophies. I use my unique combination of intuitive bodywork and yogic practices alongside meditation, mindfulness & visualisation to help you find your best self.
Providing you with the tools, guidance and support to restore balance in your body and life.
  • With the releasing of blocked energy internally and externally, I provide guidance in changing lifestyle patterns and thought processes, you will gain the tools to restore balance to the mind, body and spirit.
  • The aim is to guide and support you in finding your own path to personal healing. All done with clear direction, a smile and & open heart.
Healing bodywork
Back massage
Applying proven treatments for a myriad of situations, conditions and syndromes.
  • I treat people from all walks of life from builders to architects, taxi-drivers to Ultra–Runners, IT professionals, yoga teachers, musicians and more.
  • I have success in treating a myriad of issues, physical, thought / emotional, energy based or a mix of them all.
GiURU Treatments
Helping your to restore balance to your life where there is an imbalance.
  • If multiple conditions are present, they are generally related in origin and can stem from an imbalance somewhere in our lives.
  • Maybe there is some digestive problems which may have a connection with lower back problems and emotions, headaches/migraines may have a correlation with shoulder, neck or arm problems and possible over-thinking a situation.
Providing diagnosis of your emotional pain points, and working with you to resolve them.
  • We will look at your work/social relationships, how you sleep/sit/walk, your patterns of thinking and how you resolve issues or don't resolve them, and how you breath. All of these contribute to your physical & mental wellbeing.
  • We can get emotions stuck in our bodies, we can get stuck in a particular pattern of thinking or doing which no longer benefits us. I can help you to let this go.
With the use of specific breathing techniques, bodywork and meditations / visualisations we can overcome your issues to clear the path ahead and free your body & mind to reach your full potential.
The guru is in you
Bringing you
Back to centre
from top to bottom
Inside and out
In mind body and spirit
The guru is in you
JiURU - the guru is in you


Throughout your JiURU treatments with me I will listen to your verbal and non-verbal cues and use a mixture of the treatments below to help you feel back to your best.

Thai Yoga Massage

  • Thai Yoga Massage (TYM) is an all-encompassing treatment whether for relaxing or therapeutic.
  • Working on a system of energy lines present in and on the body, Thai yoga massage is a mixture of passive and active stretches, acupressure and breathing.
  • It is a combination of massage, yoga, osteopathy, chiropractic, reflexology, acupressure, passive exercise and meditation. It is both a complex theoretical science and an informal art form.

Remedial & Holistic Massage

  • Massage that is oil based and incorporates many different techniques all of which aim to bring homeostasis to the body, primarily, the muscular & skeletal systems (muscular, joint, tendon/ligament injuries).
  • It can be applied holistically (whole body) or to a specific problem area or specific injury.
  • It involves deep tissue techniques, specific sports and dynamic stretching and rehabilitation. It stimulates blood supply by lengthening, toning, strengthening the muscle or affected area.

Hatha Yoga

  • Hatha Yoga incorporates physical poses (asanas), breathing (pranayama) and meditation exercises. It aims to bring balance physically (Ha-sun) and mentally (Tha-moon).
  • Hatha Yoga can often be a little diluted in western practice, focusing more the physical practices.
  • By developing a regular practice, we are provided with a foundation to build a healthier, happier more balanced life.


  • Ayurveda is the Indian Science of Life, incorporating Nature, herbs, plants, the Elements and our own internal abilities to heal ourselves and maintain optimum health.
  • It is based on prevention of illness or disease and works hand in hand with Hatha Yoga.
  • Ayurveda views each person’s health individually as opposed to a one-size-fits-all approach, it also uses the basis that our thoughts, words, actions as well as diet and exercise contribute to our overall health and wellbeing.


  • Mindfulness is a simple concept of focusing on the present moment.
  • When we can teach ourselves to appreciate what is going on around us, we find that we become happier, calmer and richer in our lives.
  • Practicing Mindfulness allows us to experience everyday acts like preparing food or brushing our teeth or washing dishes as conscious rituals we can perform with joy and happiness.

Shamanic Practices

  • Shamanic practices help us to develop a deeper connection and purpose with our life and all life around us.
  • It is one of the oldest healing traditions and brings us back into vibration and right relationship with Nature, the Earth and the Cosmos.
  • Using drums, rattles, stories, nature and the rhythm of the Elements inside & outside of ourselves to bring us back to a grounded centred place.

Treatment Prices

I work 1-2-1 in person and on Zoom providing 1 off sessions or continuing programs. Workshops for all size of groups and small retreats in UK, Europe, and India. Online wellness packages and classes are also available ranging from

Basic: suitable for all ages and abilities

Intermediate: advancing your understanding and practice.

Tailormade: designed specifically for the individual.

My Story

After the impact of too much sport, too many injuries and illness when young I was somewhat broken by my mid 20’s, with just tablets and not much else from health providers in UK, I took responsibility for my health upon myself, I got back to a place of equilibrium using natural methods. I decided on the path of Holistic Wellbeing as my direction.

First studying with Quantum Metta in London for Holistic, Sports & Remedial and Thai Yoga Massage, I then nipped to Thailand to study some advanced practices in the Old Medicine Hospital Chaing Mai & Hang Dong. For the next 7 years I was studying, practicing and living between UK & India, mainly Kerala & Tamil Nadu, where I was under the supervision of various yoga teachers & Ayurvedic Dr’s, primarily Dr. Chandra Kumar Balachandaran, Rameshji and India’s Cosmic Wisdom.

In 2018 I was a graduate of Natural Wisdom Leaders, with Ayni Foundation, this was a 1-year Intensive Initiation Program involving Traditional Natural Wisdom from Europe & Peru, culminating in a trip to the Peruvian Amazon. This continued for another 2 years at a less intensive pace. I continue to see 1-1 clients and run workshops and retreats in UK & India, whilst striving to live a life of balance in the Natural World.

Everything for goodness

Stephen Swords

"I was somewhat broken by my mid 20’s, with just tablets and not much else from health providers in UK, I took responsibility for my own health."


I'm sure you have some questions about how I can help to heal. Here are a few of the regular questions I'm asked. If you need anything else, please contact me today.

What is JiURU?

JiURU is a play on 2 words.  The 1st is Guru, we listen to many people who tell us how to improve or what to do, trainers, bosses, teachers…Gurus -  who brings light to darkness. Our best teacher, the one we should listen to 1st and last when enquiring, is the one inside all of us.

The 2nd word is Ji. In Indian culture Ji is added to the end of somebody’s name to show respect, normally a teacher or elder of the community. Mother – Mata- Mataji or Teacher – Guru -Guruji.

JiURU is something we can say to ourselves to stop looking elsewhere or outside of ourselves for respect or plaudits. We can say Ji-(my friend) URU…(you are you), no comparison needed. Love ourselves, respect ourselves... JiURU.

JiURU came into existence in India and came from 3rd Eye School of Yoga & The Varkala Experience.

JiURU is an amalgamation of all I have learned from all the healing modalities and teachers around the world, past and present, that I have worked/trained/studied with. Sometimes it is just me running a workshop, Stephen Swords... or maybe some friends and teachers of other modalities combining our knowledge to offer something... different!

Are you available in my area?

When I am in UK I see clients in London, Sussex/Kent, Surrey, Buckinghamshire & Northamptonshire. I also have many clients all over the world who generally come to see me in India. I have a set hourly rate.

I do travel for groups or home visits. This depends on number of clients in a day or size of group as it must be cost & time effective and will be for a day/weekend normally, plus travel costs. I offer donation-based classes and treatments also.

Money should not be an obstacle to health.
If you have limited finances and you would like to talk to me about a plan of how we can work together, please get in touch.

Sab kuchmi lega bhyia.
Everything possible brother.

Everything for Goodness.

Do you do online classes?

Yes I do!

10:30am Monday mornings is a regular Mindful Monday, on Zoom. It is donation based. A gentle introduction to the week. It is yoga but not a standard western class of asana or flow. It is for all ages and abilities; it is more about mindfulness combining breathing, moving, meditation/visualization/Yoga Nidra. Releasing tension and blockages from the body and mind.

These classes can have similar results to a treatment from me, so I recommend them if you are not able to get an appointment to see me in person.

They are between 1.5-2hr duration. I also have free classes on Youtube and more live classes are coming soon.


If you are interested in becoming a Thai Yoga Massage practitioner I've created a Level 3 Diploma course to pass on my teachings. Everything for goodness.

Level 3 Diploma
Thai Yoga Massage (TYM)


  • Become a qualified Thai Yoga Massage therapist.
  • Course taken by renowned practitioner Stephen Swords.
  • Fully accredited course with thorough training schedule and ongoing support.

Online Learning from ThinkTree included:

  • APP - Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology certificate (50 Hours course).
  • Health & Safety for practitioners.
  • Business Plan/set up.

Course Dates:

  • 10 days over 5 weekends.
  • + 2 additional weekends for progress review, revision & exam prep.
  • Contact for the latest available dates.

Duration of Practical Course:

  • Practical
    8 days over 4 weekends (100hrs).
  • Case studies & assignments
    6 months to complete post practical course

For ages 18+.
Mostly able-bodied but can be adaptable to meet the student's needs.

Aim of course:
To provide a bespoke and ancient Professional Thai Yoga Massage therapy treatment. Equip the practitioner with the skills for business required to tailor each client’s specific requirements.

Students will be assessed throughout the course for each module and reviewed. There will be formative and summative assessments which are a practical and written exam, and on completion assessed by an external examiner.

Delivery Method:
Blended learning delivery which includes Theory & Practical face to face. Online theory and tutorials.

Assessment methods:
Formative assessment on going for each module with summative assessment in exam format on completion.

  • Practical & Theory Exam
  • Assignments
  • MCQ’s
  • Case Studies

There is a practical & theory-based exam both taking place on the same day.

Certificate of Achievement upon completion.


Happy Clients

I've been lucky enough to work with a treat some amazing people over the last 20+ years. Here are a few of the kinds things they say.

Steve is a pure soul with a huge, open heart. He is a full yogi and he walks the talk/practises what he preaches.  He is a good man with full integrity in everything he does. Steve has magical hands and amazing knowledge about the body. He intuitively knows what is the cause/ root of the imbalance and with his healing touch plus extensive training can give you the right prescription to move back towards equilibrium. As a teacher, Steve brings humour and lightness to his work so that the classes are good fun. He holds a beautiful space for deep, gentle yoga. Highly recommended for bodywork and yoga.

Kristina Evans

Get in Touch

Want to start your healing journey?
Get in touch below and I respond to arrange a time to discuss my in person and virtual treatments.

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Thank you for getting in touch.

I will respond as soon as possible.

Everything for goodness,
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